- Wealth is a state of mind, and that thought is binner (like two sides of a coin). That is, someone who is always rich and positive thinking will not be able to think negatively or deficiencies. Therefore, we must maintain the state of thinking of our children to always think positive and abundant. There may be times when children experienced difficulties, but by maintaining the thoughts of abundance, the difficulty can be bypassed easily.
- Teach our children have the confidence to visit (silahturahmi), because a lot of doors beginning of good fortune and many relationships. Humans are not enriched by work, but enriched by a good relationship. Note, almost all the difficulties and the narrowness of fortune is due to poor relations.
- Basic character of the rich and successful is his ability to become a master appraiser. For example, while it is running they will ask how about the price of a shop and will assess the possibility of selling in the next year, when they had difficulty in getting something good and they judged that the goods are many benefits, they will think why I did not provide a good and promote it. Likewise, if they would buy a new vehicle meraka depression will predict the value of the vehicle.
- Teach our beloved children to see things with the scale of long-term or long term plan. Familiarize the children were given a monthly allowance, do daily. So that our children are accustomed to manage its own finances and will be useful later adulthood. And this will make it accustomed to think long term.
- Teach our children together to discuss the estimated costs in the next year or weekly. Then guided the children to record all incoming and outgoing cash that has been used. With notes, children learn simple accounting and will make every pengeluaranya appreciate. In other words, teach our children the discipline of finance. But this must be careful because if too reduce spending will have a negative impact and will be Stingy . So Be careful ....!!!!
- To avoid the stingy nature of the then teach generosity of donating 2.5% of the money obtained from the parents to the poor, street children or to a place of worship. Remember that luck comes from Allah through our efforts, so we should be grateful to Him regardless of who obtained today and return 2.5% to those entitled to receive.
so hopefully these tips useful for all of us .... yes Robalallamin Amien ...
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