Not just the baby's room should be prepared prior to delivery. Courage to hospital readiness selection must be done to keep things running smoothly and well.
The delivery process must be prepared and carried out correctly to avoid any trauma or baby blues. Hence Arm yourself with useful tips from Dr. S. Gozali, MBBS (London), MRCOG (London), DFFP (UK), Specialist Obstetrics and Gynaecology, RS Grha Kedoya.
1. Courage
With readiness of good courage, you will be helped through the process of childbirth as a long and tiring, especially for new mothers. In addition, you will also be free from any fear that childbirth can be passed to relax.
2. Research
With the right knowledge, you can know what is right and not, as well as anticipate the things that are not desirable. For example, in response to advice that turned out to be a myth. You can discuss with your obstetrician or find out in the book to health sites. Research on the delivery process is also beneficial for you to not be too shocked when the doctor checks inside, check the opening, check the condition of the baby, mother and baby heart rate, and others.
Do not forget to seek out hospitals and obstetricians or midwives who are competent and always ready. Consider also the possibility of complications. So in addition to a gynecologist, find out if the selected hospitals have doctors anesthesia, pediatricians, internists, a competent surgeon. Facilities should also be entered into the study. So also with access such as distance from home, congestion, to land in the hospital parking lot.
3. Antenatal Care
Childbirth is a natural process. So even if you are inexperienced, labor will not be too scary. Especially if you are diligent examination of antenatal care during pregnancy or right and proper. "Sometimes when doctors found no complications of labor (which is not detected, Ed.)," Said Gozali. According Gozali, should complications occur or not to be detected early if pregnant women routinely perform antenatal care.
Another benefit of antenatal care are educated how you will correct delivery. For example, recognize the signs of labor or postpartum as there is a "show" or a small amount of blood mixed with mucus from the cervix, contractions, until the water breaks. If one of these traits appear, hope you can know when to go to the hospital. In addition, antenatal care is also studied in pregnant women about diet, breathing exercises for labor, sexual intercourse, as well as the dangers of smoking, drugs, alcohol, and others.
4. Learning Respiratory
To withstand the pain during childbirth, "There is such thing as breathing exercise. Usually it is taught in pregnancy exercise class. Do not loose control with screaming baseball clearly. Wherever possible it is anticipated and the birth mother can stay focused, "advises Gozali. If The mother still can not bear the pain, the doctor will prescribe pain medication by way of injecting. "If overseas no such thing as laughing gas or Entenox or nitrous oxide. In Indonesia I understand that baseball is. The effect is calming, "he said.
Gozali told, there are also some women who do not care too much pain. "Pain is only temporary until the baby came out. After this I can have fun, "the story Gozali mimic the mothers. According to him, bounce like this that should have all the women to the birth process easier and lighter.
5. Moral Support
Looking for moral support from husbands, mothers, sisters, friends, or others. This will greatly support you need throughout the process. "Better, anyway, because usually the husband or the woman he did not know what to do. What is important is birthing partner. "However, the husband can support his wife by giving the spirit of the time when his wife is tired of pushing.
This support should not exist at the time of delivery, but also in the early months when the newborn. Remember, post-birth is a very inconvenient time for the mother. Husband and wife who do not take enough care of children or think, "Oh well, there are sisters." For the husband is obliged to assist his wife in taking care of their babies.
6. Baby
Prepare the baby arrives before the birthing process. Call it the diapers, clothes, blankets, bottles, toiletries, baby specialty pharmaceuticals, and others. Details, you can ask it to friends who have experienced or of midwives and nurses at the antenatal care.
7. Mother's Milk
Breastfeeding is the best food for infants aged 0-2 years. But not a few women who have difficulty removing breast milk. The solution, understand and find out what makes your breast milk does not come out. Is it because you are stressed, troubled with the nipple, or anything else. It should ask your doctor or lactation consultant. If all you have done but still breast milk does not come out, do not worry and take it. "You can replace it with formula. Do not you think your child will not grow without the perfect Mother's Milk. Such thoughts will only make you more stress, "explains Gozali.
Baby Blues Due to Trauma
Baby blues is a disorder that often occurs after birth and by Gozali, based on research, 50 percent of mothers experience baby blues with a different medical experience. The causes of disappointment that arise during pregnancy. May come as a husband or family who do not care or do not match expectations of labor due to the lack of knowledge. However, there are also women who follow the seven tips before but still got the baby blues. This is usually due to hormonal fluctuations or possible before becoming pregnant, Mother had a history of depression and emotionally disturbed.
How to overcome the baby blues is actually easy. The patients do not harbor feelings of disappointment, fear, and grief alone. Be open and discuss these issues with those close to such a husband, parent, sister, or other.
If it helped, but his baby blues syndrome is getting worse, this means that mothers experiencing postnatal depression is more severe level than baby blues. This syndrome is attacking her mind to do extreme things. For example, the desire to injure the baby or yourself, like hallucinations, or to try to kill her baby or suicide. Handle any more serious and obstetricians must refer to a psychiatrist. "It is rare, but exist in the medical literature," concluded Gozali.
Understanding the Complications
As discussed previously, the characteristics partum bleeding in the order is small, contraction, and the rupture of the amniotic fluid. When mothers experience the "show" and there is mucus first blood, that the opening had occurred. "Mucus is out. The next contraction, and water breaks. "However, Gozali explains, this process does not always happen sequentially. "There is also a" show "first, rupture or contraction. This is normal as well. If Mother rupture of amniotic fluid, it does not mean fetal membrane water must be discharging section. Actually can not wait until Mother contractions anymore," added Gozali.
Beyond the features above, you should also alert the possibility of complications in the mother's womb. That is a lot of bleeding, excessive pain (not contractions) in the stomach, water breaks and green. "If only the pain of contractions or rupture of membranes, it is normal. Rupture of amniotic fluid that had to be clear, not green. If it is green, it means the baby has pooped (defecation, Ed.) On the inside. It is not good. That has to hastily taken to the hospital, "explains Gozali.
Gozali also recommend that pregnant women who had contracted to count the period of contraction. When the interval is shorter, usually the higher the pain and this is a sign for The Mother to get to the hospital.
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