Limited view or avoiding eye contact
When children get caught in a lie, they often throw their views and make little eye contact with you. They may also look past the while avoiding the mess trying to smile for your child's focus of the story that he made.
Body Position
The way in which children position their bodies not as usual. They may be sitting up, talking, crossing their arms or sudden gesture nervous and clumsy when they are being deceptive.
Nervous and wringing her hands can indicate that your child is lying. This movement is said to express a sense of guilt and concern, they are guilty of lying and not worry about the punishment they will receive. Children can also hide your hands behind their backs or held hands.
Ear Scratching
Unless your child has an itchy ear condition, ear scratching abruptly when answering questions is a sign that your child may have lied. Aside from scratch, there are some kids that red ears when they are shy or nervous when lying.
Touching and scratching head
Children can touch their heads and mess up their hair when lying. Some people think they will look confused or guilty by scratching their heads, but usually without any conscious reaction.
Excessive blinking or not blinking
Blinking too much or not at all may indicate a child is lying. They can be excessive blinking of the nerve or not at all because they are highly concentrated imagine a lie.
Lip licking or biting
In an effort to not say too much, children may lick or bite their lips when talking to you. And when they do not accidentally tell the truth, the movement of the hands of children reflexively close their mouths.
Children may be repeated several times so that you will believe that they really did not hit their sister. Requests can convince them, but they may lie. Sometimes children will imitate you or repeat what you say.
Talking too much
When they get caught in a lie that they can act in extraordinary spirits and talking too much. As an effort to make his lies believable.
Change the tone of their voice
When the children were instructed to tell the truth, they chose to speak slowly and quietly while. Changes in tone or tempo of their speech may indicate they are lying to you.
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