I remember when my wife became pregnant with the first. My mother and mother-in-law were busy taking care of her grandchildren candidate. My wife read the book diligently in times of pregnancy and never forget to read the divine word of every day. My mother says women who are pregnant should read a book with so many children that would birth one day would love to read. because the culture of reading is when a child begins in the womb.
Before my first child was born, my mother was facing the inventor. Sad mother left for good. I do not believe I feel a deep sadness. Mother was very involved in their children's education until we all get like this.
I still remember, my mother always fasted when his children were menhadapi exam or test. Both exams when we were in school and to our college. Mom was always accompanied us to learn when people are so busy at the organization's time-consuming.
Mother is a very important role in their children's education. When I was a student at tk, she still took time to drive me to school. Though the mother had to work at the hospital as a nurse. Somehow I feel scared to be left mother. Sometimes I like to cry when the mother went to work. Alhamdulillah, after my third grade elementary school, she quit working as a nurse. I was so happy as are my brothers, because the mother with us to be more. Mother always accompanied us every time and every time of need. Mother who eventually became a tutor when we have difficulty in learning at school.
Actually my father is also a very big role in their children's education. I once heard a conversation my father and mother. My father was walking from the terminal to our home on Monday only because it saves money sunter. Because children need anakanya expenses and pocket money to go to school. I am also thrilled to hear that. Even when the economy is not good family, the father often came home tonight to find extra income for their children to school and buy the book as a source of knowledge. That is why the role of fathers is also important for their children.
But it must be recognized, the role of the mother is much more important than the role of fathers in educating their children. Mother is always with us for 24 hours it seems. Accompany our days to be able to be useful for many people.
With the number of 6 children, she never stopped to think about our education. Until when secondary technical school graduate (stm) I decided to work in order to reduce the burden of mothers and fathers.
But thank God, thanks to the upbringing mother always educate and guide our children, we all can overcome life's difficulties that we face. Alhamdulillah, I myself get a college scholarship in s1 and s2. Likewise with my brothers and sisters.
The role of mothers in educating their children had to be done with all my heart. That is now done by my wife in the raising of their children. We both strive to make our children get the proper education and attention to education remained in the family. For me education in the family is the main thing. Hanayalah schooling facilities in digging deeper knowledge. If education in the family well, it will be okay as well in school education.
Mom was like no other human being. Nothing wrong if the religious teachings of Islam say that heaven is under mother's feet. The mother who will lead their children to be pious and sholekah children.
I was reminded of the story of a mother who sells cakes and getuk Lupis. Mother's cake seller hawking his wares around the housing complex. He went about shouting loudly. People were immediately heard the sound of hard wares that.
One time I bought a cake lupisnya. Then I asked how her son. Lupis mother rose cake seller told if their children and only two small children, so he had to fight hard to be able to educate their children. Of selling cakes, she hopes to benefit the results can be used for school children. While her husband was dead when hit by a train going to work in the morning.
I am thrilled to hear it. One mother was so persistent zeal in working for their children can attend school. I will be remembered when his father suffered a severe illness. Mother who worked hard to sell fried in front of the house and received stitches from the neighbors.
Mother was education credit is not measurable in children. No wonder rasulullulah say 3 times to mothers who had conceived us to always be loved and respected. The mother who gives light in the hearts of his children.
The role of mothers in the education of their children never doubt. He would always keep her baby all the time. Struggled to keep the kids can anakanya school and get a decent education. Oertama remains a teacher and principal. In fact I would rather say that the mother is the first library. Where I asked if I did not know and where I find the information that I do not know.
source: kompasiana
source: kompasiana
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